The 5th Global Fortune Teller Contest Scoring System
今屆比賽有七個命例 , 有七個不同師傅提供 , 每個命例有5條問題 , 一共35條問題 . 今屆比賽評分準則 , 參考世界大型跳水比賽的評分準則 , 來制定今屆的評分.
七條命例 , 會把答中最高分的其中一條例之分數刪除 , 把餘下六條命例之分數總和來作評分準則.
請於2014年6月15日前電郵到 hkjfma2008@yahoo.com.hk
There are 7 destiny cases this year, provided by 7 different masters, each destiny case contains 5 questions, a total of 35 questions. This year’s scoring system is developed by referring to the scoring system in the World’s largest diving competition.
From the 7 destiny cases, the score of the case with the highest score will not be counted, the total score will be counted by adding up the scores of the remaining 6 destiny cases.
Please submit your results to
on or before 15 Jun 2014
命例問題提供者: 以八字作提問 陳俊誠師傅
Bazi question provided by Master Jun-Cheng Chen
乾命: 男性 西曆 1962年生8月25日卯時 台灣出生
Male: 25 August 1962, 5:00 – 7:00am Born in Taiwan
1. 命主實情何者為真?
1. Which of the followings is true for him?
A 長年茹素 (Vegetarian)
B 情慾重,婚後外遇對象不只一位 (Has strong sexual desire, had many affairs after marriage)
C 一兒一女 (Has 1 son and 1 daughter)
D 罹患肝病 (Has liver disease)
2. 命主於2007年之遭遇何者為真?
2. What happened to him in 2007?
A 父親病逝 (Father died from sickness)
B 母親病逝 (Mother died from sickness)
C 妻子病逝 (Wife died from sickness)
D 長子車禍 (Eldest son had car accident)
3. 命主於2008年之遭遇何者為真?
3. What happened to him in 2008?
A 父親病逝 (Father died from sickness)
B 母親病逝 (Mother died from sickness)
C 妻子病逝 (Wife died from sickness)
D 長子車禍 (Eldest son had car accident)
4. 截至2013年止,命主從事超過15年的職業是?
4. Until 2013, what was his occupation in the past 15 years?
A 國家公務員(台灣) (Civil Servant in Taiwan)
B 保險業務 (Insurance related job)
C 作文老師 (Writing teacher)
D 樂器行老闆 (Owner of a musical instrument company)
5. 結算至2013年止,命主名下財產何者為真?
5. Until 2013, which of the followings is true?
A 自購屋二筆、存款多於200萬台幣 (6.7萬美元)
[Bought 2 properties, had more than NT 2 million (USD 67000)]
B 自購屋二筆、存款少於200萬台幣 (6.7萬美元)
[Bought 2 properties, had less than NT 2 million (USD 67000)]
C 自購屋一筆、存款多於200萬台幣 (6.7萬美元)
[Bought 1 property, had more than NT 2 million (USD 67000)]
D 無購屋、存款少於200萬台幣 (6.7萬美元)
[Didn’t buy property, had less than NT 2 million NT (USD 67000)]
命例問題提供者: 以八字作提問 七仙羽師傅
Bazi question provided by Master Qi Xian Yu
乾命 : 西曆1965年3月5日9:35am 馬來西亞出生
Male: 5 March 1965, 9:35am Born in Malaysia
6. 此命於何年, 因癌症而死亡?
6. In which year did he die from cancer?
A. 2012
B. 2011
C. 2009
D. 2008
7. 此命的死亡, 是何種癌症?
7. Which type of cancer did he die from?
A. 肺癌 (Lung cancer)
B. 骨癌 (Bone cancer)
C. 腦癌 (Brain cancer)
D. 肝癌 (Liver cancer)
8. 此命在庚辰辛巳年期間, 生下三胞胎, 此三個BB如何?
8. Between Year of Dragon 2000 and Year of Snake 2001, his wife gave birth to triplets, what are the genders of the triplets?
A. 三個是男BB (3 baby boys)
B. 三個是女BB (3 baby girls)
C. 二女一男BB (2 baby girls and 1 baby boy)
D. 二男一女BB (2 baby boys and 1 baby girl)
9. 此命的學歷如何?
9. What is his educational background?
A. 文盲 (Illiterate)
B. 小學畢業 (Primary school graduate)
C. 中學畢業 (Secondary School graduate)
D 大學畢業 (Undergraduate)
10. 此命死前的事業成就是那一種類?
10. What was his career achievement before he dies?
A. 做生意, 富裕. 死時身家100萬美元以上
(Business man, wealthy, had over a million USD when he died)
B. 醫生, 中產小康. 10萬美元身家
(Doctor, middle class, had around 100 thousand USD)
C. 小學教師, 平民. 死時沒有身家平民收入
(Primary school teacher, common person with average income, had no belongings when he died)
D. 農民, 赤貧, 死時欠人醫藥費
(Farmer, poor, still owing medical fees when he died)
命例問題提供者: 以八字作提問 玲瓏堂常歡師傅
Bazi question provided by Linglungtong’s Master Sheung Foon
男命: 西曆1979年10月10日戌時 香港出生
Male: 10 October 1979, 19:00 – 21:00pm Born in Hong Kong
11. Which part of his body always had a bit of problem since he was young?
A. 頭痛 (Headache)
B. 呼吸系統 (Respiratory system)
C. 便秘 (Constipation)
D. 腸胃不良 (Digestive problem)
12.命主 那一個年份,不小心 撞向 遊樂場的石屎乒乓球臺,以弄致頭破血流,需接受縫紉手術?
12. In which year did he have stitches on his head after injuring himself by hitting his head into a concrete Ping Pong table in a playground?
A. 1987
B. 1988
C. 1989
D. 1990
13. Which year did he get his first job?
A. 1995
B. 1996
C. 1997
D. 1998
14. Which year did he injured his head as he fell down while he was having shower in a hotel in China? He only used the first-aid kit to stop bleeding at that time, he had to get stitches when he went back to Hong Kong the next day.
A. 2004
B. 2005
C. 2006
D. 2007
15. Which year did he get married?
A. 2005
B. 2006
C. 2007
D. 2008
命例問題提供者: 以八字作提問 鼎大圖書培哥
Bazi question provided by Ting Tai Book Company’s Master Pui
女命: 西曆1975年9 月26日申時 香港出生
Female: 26 September 1975, 15:00 – 17:00pm Born in Hong Kong
16. 命主在1990庚午年有何時發生?
16. What happened to her in the Year of horse 1990?
A. 成績不理想,而不能升學.到社會更找不到工作而閒在家中. (Academic result was not good, couldn’t study further, unemployed, just stayed at home.)
B. 不幸被人強姦. (Unfortunately, she got raped.)
C. 父母把命主送到外國讀書. (Her parents sent her to overseas for study.)
D. 成績非常優良,而得到獎學金. (Very outstanding academically, she received a scholarship.)
17. 命主何年結婚?
17. Which year did she get married?
A. 2001辛巳 (Year of snake)
B. 2003癸未 (Year of goat)
C. 2005乙酉 (Year of rooster)
D. 2007丁亥 (Year of pig)
18. 命主何年抄賣樓房得財60萬港幣?
18. Which year did she earn HKD 600,000 from property speculation?
A. 2011辛卯 (Year of rabbit)
B. 2009己丑 (Year of ox)
C. 2007丁亥 (Year of pig)
D. 2005乙酉 (Year of rooster)
19. 命主於2011辛卯年到現在,工作是何種類?
19. What type of work is she doing since the Year of rabbit 2011?
A. 常常世界各國, 飛來飛去開會的工作. (Always travel around the world to have conferences.)
B. 2011辛卯年被老闆辭去工作, 在家中做家庭主婦. (Got redundant by her boss in 2011, stayed home as a housewife.)
C. 2011辛卯年創業,衣服買賣生意到現在 (Started her own business in 2011, selling garments till now.)
D. 酒店接待文員 (Hotel reception clerk)
20. 命主於2013癸巳年發生何事?
20. What happened to her in the Year of snake 2013?
A. 中六合彩,得財2200萬港幣 (Won lottery, received HKD 2.2 million.)
B. 抄賣樓房而得財60萬港幣 (Earned HKD 600,000 from property speculation.)
C. 交通意外留醫半個月 (Hospitalized for half a month due to traffic accident.)
D. 小產 (Miscarriage)
命例問題提供者: 奇門遁甲 香港青年術數家協會傅梓量師傅
Qi Men Dun Jia question provided by Master Goran Fu from Hong Kong Junior Fengshui Master Association
女命 :西曆1992年5月6日 卯時 澳門出生
Female: 6 May 1992, 5:00–7:00am Born in Macau
21. 以下那一項背景描述為正確?
21. Which of the followings is correct about her background?
A. 從小與父親聚小離多 (Didn’t see her father much since she was little)
B. 從小與母親聚小離多 (Didn’t see her mother much since she was little)
C. 小學畢業 (Primary school graduate)
D. 大學畢業 (Undergraduate)
22. 以下那項關於命主於2014年3月的描述為正確?
22. Which of the followings is correct about what happened in March 2014?
A. 命主大腸出血 (Colon bleeding)
B. 得橫財十萬元 (Won HKD 100,000)
C. 跟家人嘈吵,被家人趕出家門。(Had an argument with family, got kicked out from home.)
D. 跟男友分手 (Broke up with her boyfriend)
23. 以下那項關於命主於西曆2007年9月的學業狀況描述為正確?
23. Which of the followings describes her academic status in Sep 2007 correctly?
A. 對學校不善處理、突然換了班主任的情況下、帶領同學對抗學校、並在2008年5月申請轉校成功。
(She led her classmates to go against the school as the school mishandled the case of suddenly changing class teacher, in May 2008, her application of changing school was successful.)
B. 跟同學發生打鬥重傷留院觀察,2008年1月停學休學一段時期。
(She was hospitalized due to a serious injury from fighting with classmates, In Jan 2008, she stopped going to school for a period of time.)
C. 參加學校歌唱比賽獲冠軍
(She was the champion of the school’s singing contest)
D. 在校內遺失了書包
(Lost her schoolbag in school)
24. 以下那項關於命主西曆2009年11月的感情狀況描述正確?
24. Which of the followings describes her relationship status in Nov 2009 correctly?
A. 開始拍拖戀愛 (Started dating)
B. 跟男友分手 (Broke up with boyfriend)
C. 開始展開三角戀,自己一腳踏兩船有兩個男友。 (Started a love triangle, she had 2 boyfriends.)
D. 跟女第三者通電話,得知男友移情別戀一腳踏兩船。 (She found that her boyfriend was cheating on her when she spoke to her boyfriend’s new girlfriend on the phone.)
25. 命主於2012年1月開始在賭場工作,以下那項描述關於2014年4月在賭場的工作情況為正確?
25. She started working in casino from Jan 2012, which of the followings describes her career status in April 2014 correctly?
A. 升職加薪 (Got promoted and had a pay rise)
B. 離開賭場工作 (Quit her job in casino)
C. 在賭場工作中犯錯誤,被投訴賭客不禮貌,言行不尊重。(She made a mistake when she was working in casino, complained by gamblers of being impolite and not respectful.)
D. 以上皆非 (None of the above)
命例問題提供者: 以紫微斗數作提問 樂只君師傅
Ziwei question provided by Master Zi Gwan Lok
男命: 西曆1974年3月16日上午11時29分 香港出生
Male: 16 March 1974, 11:29am Born in Hong Kong
He has congenital eye disease, but hearing is normal.
26. 命主先生於財運和理財方面:
26. Which of the following best describes his wealth and financial aspects?
A. 多機遇,但不擅理財,所以一直儲財不多。
(Many opportunities, but not good at financial management, therefore, he doesn’t have much savings.)
B. 多機遇,而且擅於做生意,故現已為一所有二、三百名員工的中型企業老闆。
(Many opportunities, good at doing business, he is now a boss of a midsize enterprise with 200 – 300 employees.)
C. 曾得一筆超過百萬的橫財,並把一半捐出用作善事。
(He won more than a million once and then donated half for charity purpose.)
D. 財運平平,但亦固定每月捐錢行善。
(Average income, but he donates money monthly.)
27. 命主先生於虛齡24-33期間的婚姻狀況:
27. What was his marriage status when he was 23 – 32 years old?
A. 結婚後,對方不幸辭世。 (His wife died after marriage)
B. 結婚後,命主出現第三者,以至離婚。 (He had an affair after marriage, therefore they divorced.)
C. 結婚後,命主經常不在太太身邊,但保持夫妻關係。 (He was not always around his wife after marriage, however, they still kept their relationship as a couple.)
D. 不但未有結婚,更從無親密異性朋友。(Single, never had any close female friend.)
28. 1994年曾犯官非,原因是:
28. In 1994, he was involved in a lawsuit, the reason is:
A. 被手下人拖累。 (Being dragged by people who work for him.)
B. 被親密的異性朋友拖累。 (Being dragged by close female friend.)
C. 於停牌期間,超速駕駛汽車被捕。 (Get caught speeding when his license was suspended.)
D. 酒後生事,更至有人受傷。(Someone got hurt when he was drunk.)
29. 1997年曾有財務上的困難,起因是:
29. He had financial difficulties in 1997, the reason is:
A. 過度投機於股票之上。 (Lost control in trading shares.)
B. 擔保朋友借貸,但朋友無力償還,故要把債務孭上。 (As a guarantor of his friend, but his friend could not pay off the debt, therefore, he was responsible for the debt.)
C. 年內長期失業,沒有收入。 (He was unemployed in that year, no income.)
D. 身染惡疾,要付出巨額的醫療開支。(He had serious illness, had to pay an enormous amount for the medical expenses.)
30. 2013年命主先生搬了屋,其原因是:
30. He moved house in 2013, the reason is:
A. 得到祖業,所以賣了當時的物業,並搬到祖屋居住。(Received an inherited property, therefore, he sold his own property and moved to the inherited property.)
B. 生意上出現財困,故要賣掉所住的物業作為週轉。 (Had financial problem with his business, therefore, he sold his property to get some cash flow.)
C. 婚姻上出現問題,所以自己搬出來住,希望相方可以有時間冷靜。 (Had problem with his marriage, therefore he moved out himself, hoping that they could both have some time to calm down.)
D. 儲有餘錢,所以搬屋,以改善居住環境。(Got some savings, therefore he moved in order to improve his living environment.)
命例問題提供者: 以紫微玄機作提問 林耀光師傅
Ziwei question provided by Master Yiu Kwong Lam
女命: 西曆1961年7月10日卯時:早上6時 香港出生
Female: 10 July 1961, 6:00am Born in Hong Kong
31. 命主已結婚, 她的子女情況如何?
31. She is married, how many children she has?
A. 有一對龍鳳胎子女 (Twins, a boy and a girl)
B. 沒有孩子 (None)
C. 有一男孩 (1 boy)
D. 有一女孩 (1 girl)
32. 她的桃花運最好歲數時段在那裡?
32. When was the best period of time for her love life?
A. 12-21歲 (12 – 21 years old)
B. 22-31歲 (22 – 31 years old)
C. 32-41歲 (32 – 41 years old)
D. 42-51歲 (42 – 51 years old)
33. 她的人生低潮在那裡出現,危機很大?
33. When was her worst time in life with the biggest crisis?
A. 12-21歲 (12 – 21 years old)
B. 22-31歲 (22 – 31 years old)
C. 32-41歲 (32 – 41 years old)
D. 42-51歲 (42 – 51 years old)
34. 她是做生意的類型嗎? 如是在那一個歲數做起?
34. Is she a business woman? If yes, when did she start her business?
A. 22-31歲 (22 – 31 years old)
B. 32-41歲 (32 – 41 years old)
C. 42-51歲 (42 – 51 years old)
D. 52-61歲 (52 – 61 years old)
35. 她的貴人輔助在那一個答案最好,有穩定作用及支持情況?
35. Which of the followings support her most and make her life more stable?
A. 父母 (Parents)
B. 子女 (Children)
C. 丈夫 (Husband)
D. 兄弟 (Brother)